It is also important to recognize the effort of your team , to treat them with dignity and to offer good working conditions.

Another very important measure is to offer training and possibilities for growth . A
professional will always dedicate himself to a job where he feels that there are investments
in his future and development. In addition, the trainings ensure that restaurant standards
are followed and that everything works as you expect.
Your team is very important! Take care of her. You cannot grow a business in any
segment without keeping an eye on the financial statement. With restaurants, it is no
different. Managing expenses requires constant attention to many factors, such as chosen
suppliers and adopted practices .
But be aware: there is no point in losing quality in order to lower costs . The ideal is to
find products with a cost-benefit that guarantees the economy without affecting the other
A great example of this is Relevo’s paper napkins . These are items of great quality, soft
and opaque, in addition to being very beautiful .
However, they are extremely cost-effective, especially when compared to cloth napkins. As
it is not necessary to spend on maintenance, replacement and cleaning of these parts, they
are much more economical